Save Our Schools

Please call your representative and ask him/her to vote NO on House Bill 610 (HR 610) 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
‘To those of you not in the education field, you may not understand a lot of the educational jargon and the foundation of the American education system. Having a school voucher system (proposed by Trump’s Education secretary Betsy DeVos) doesn’t just mean you can choose any school you want your kid to go to. It also means the public education program will be dismantled. Let me explain…
If your child has an IEP, frame it. Then kiss it good-bye.
If you have a job in special-education, meaning if you’re a: special education teacher, physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech pathologist, a para, or a teacher’s aid, you’re in the same boat.
If you are in ESL teacher, you’ll go first.
House Bill 610 makes some large changes.
Inform yourselves.
This bill will effectively start the school voucher system to be used by children ages 5-17 and starts the defunding process of public schools.
The bill will eliminate the Elementary and Education Act of 1965, which is the nation’s educational law that provides equal opportunity in education.
ESSA is a big comprehensive program that covers programs for struggling learners, advanced and gifted kids in AP classes, ESL classes, classes for minorities such as Native Americans, Rural Education, Education for the Homeless, School Safety (Gun-Free schools), Monitoring and Compliance, and Federal Accountability Programs. Yes, there are all of these programs happening in our education system, in addition to just academics.
The Bill also abolishes the Nutritional Act of 2012 (No Hungry Kids Act) which provides nutritional standards in school breakfast and lunch.
The bill has no wording whatsoever protecting Special Needs kids, no mention of IDEA, and FAPE.
Some things ESSA does for Children with Disabilities:
-Ensures access to the general education curriculum.
-Ensures access to accommodations on assessments.
-Ensures concepts of Universal Design for Learning.
-Includes provisions that require local education agencies to provide evidence-based interventions in schools with consistently underperforming subgroups.
-Requires states in Title I plans to address how they will improve conditions for learning including reducing incidents of bullying and harassment in schools, overuse of discipline practices and reduce the use of aversive behavioral interventions (such as restraints and seclusion).’
Please call your representative and ask him/her to vote NO on House Bill 610 (HR 610) introduced by three Republican reps.

Shut your nasty disgusting dirty little mouth

Shut your nasty disgusting dirty little mouth

My daughter wants me to write the vice principal of her high school about sexual harassment at school. It seems as if it is part of the school culture.To me it seems off that in this day and age, in the United States, in California, that we’d have to deal with this problem.

via Shut your nasty disgusting dirty little mouth.


Click on the link above for the rest of the article.

What I hope you’ll tell your children about me

When you’re my age I’ll be 94. You’re 14 now. Things have changed a lot since I was 14. Then again a lot of things haven’t changed. But how I raised you is a lot different than how your dad and I were raised. 

I hope you will tell your kids:

My mom was so funny.

We laughed so much.

We always had fun.

At dinner we talked about everything. I could always talk with my mom and dad.

My parents guided me and were firm but they never judged me.

My parents told me how important for me to keep my reputation good.

They taught me the value of friendship and true friends.

They taught me to love art, science and history.

They showed me that it was ok to be myself.

They showed me that it was OK to be a little different without being weird.

They gave me a lot of hugs.

My mom put me first.

My mom taught me that only children are strong children.

My mom told me that even though I have a small family that I will never be alone. She was right.

My mom took me to concerts. She took me to the opera. She took me to rock concerts. She took me to a lot of rock concerts.

My mom was the cool mom. All of my friends liked her.

My mom was always busy.

My mom loved to read.

My mom wrote the most amazing stories.

My mom loved wine and her cats.

My mom always did what she thought was right.

My mom encouraged my dreams.

My mom believed in me.

My mom told me that I could do anything.

My mom and I had so many adventures – even after I was grown.

My mom worked full time and I’m so proud of her. She was great at what she did. She set a good example for me.

My mom always made me laugh.

My mom was so funny. I know I said that before but she was. She still is.

My mom loves me forever.

I love my mom.

And I love my daughter. She is so funny.



What I learned from going to a metal concert with my teen

Sometimes the idea of taking your pre-teen or teen to a metal concert or any rock concert can be scary. But it can also be fun. Just do your research, don’t be a fool and relax and have fun. Also read this article.

Click here for: What I learned from going to a metal concert with my teen. This article was written after going to a Black Veil Brides concert but it could apply to any rock concert at a small to medium sized venue or any event with your teenagers.


What I learned from going to a metal concert with my teen

Spring and summer brings out the concert tours. I’ve been taking teens to concerts for a few years. It has always been fun. It has always been exciting. It has always been well worth it.

Last year we saw Black Veil Brides when they played in Sacramento, California.

Click here for: What I learned from going to a metal concert with my teen.

Since then we’ve seen Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco and Twenty One Pilots and will soon see All Time Low and Twenty One Pilots again. Then it is on to Warped Tour.

I like the old music but I’m really enjoying the new music the teens in my life have introduced me to.


A Letter to my Children… About Love, Butter and Chicken Bones

Click here for a wonderful post about love, parenting, being a mom and well… take my word for it, this is a MUST READ: A Letter to my Children… About Love, Butter and Chicken Bones.

This post gets 5 our of 5 stars from West Coast Review.

I just discovered this wonderful thoughtful and fun blog Mostly Beautiful Things ( Take a look, check it out. you’ll be glad you did.


Secret lives and private stories

Reading, writing and being inspired.

Click here for: Secret lives and private stories.

Vampire Maman’s Recommendations for Parenting Books

The ultimate list of parenting books  – click here for: Vampire Maman’s Recommendations for Parenting Books.

My recommendation about parenting is to DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR KIDS. Period. End of discussion. But read the article anyways because it will make you laugh.


Playing the Game – Can’t leave anything to Chance

Click here for: Playing the Game – Can’t leave anything to Chance.