To make a short story even longer… Strange strangers on a full moon night

Halloween is almost here… along with werewolves and vampires and things that go bump in the night.

Vampire Maman

vm moon light night

Mars was exceptionally bright in the sky last night. The moon was less than full but still exceptionally bright.

This morning I dropped the kids off to school. Garret’s car is in the shop so mom gets to drive. Anyway, I drop them off behind some temporary classrooms (that have been there for 45 years) because Clara doesn’t want to have to walk by the large group of “Stoners” who hang out every morning at the logical drop off point. So this morning she tells me she over heard one of the Stoners saying “That woman stops and turns around every morning. Weird. I guess she doesn’t want to stay here.” They had no idea I was dropping off kids. Sigh.

So the moon, teens, clueless thoughts… what does that all lead to? It made me think of a distant memory of when my brothers Val, Aaron and I were…

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Representing Our Species


Waking Spirals

“You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.”
― Terence McKenna

When is the last time you explored your world? By that I mean when is the last time you woke up and looked at your every day existence as a stranger, someone who had never seen it before and questioned what you saw and experienced? Does it all make sense? What wonders did you see that you might have missed experiencing it in the same old way? What new insights did the stranger in your life reveal to you and what were you able to do with it? We live so much of our lives accepting that what we experience is normal…

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Even Vampires Get The Blues

Vampire Maman

Family lore said he left the battle fields of the war between the states and ran California to seek his fortune. There he died in a mine explosion. But he really went to Patagonia where he met a strange man with the voice of an angel. From there he met a man with the voice of an angel who hired him to go to London to hunt Vampires. And that is exactly what he did before he was murdered by a whore who said she did it for love. His niece ended up with all the gold and didn’t tell anyone.

I have the house to myself today and I was trying to pound out a blog post when my brother Andrew staggered down the stairs. Not quite alone. Andy had bad days, weeks, months… He tries to get in a good place by not spending too much time alone.


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Vampire Maman

Once upon a time, when I first started to blog I came across the blog of Raani York. The first post I ever read was about the do’s and don’t of kissing – for guys. I laughed out loud. Then I discovered her brilliant letters to celebrities. From there I met Jake the Cat Prince, read interviews and since then I’ve met other authors/bloggers through Raani’s extensive following. You never know what sort of fun you’ll find on Ranni York’s blog.

That is why I’m so excited and honored to help introduce her new book Dragonbride.

Imagine a world unlike any other. A world of dragons and magic and adventure… and romance.



(The Dragon Chronicles, Book #1)
Shalima, “Daughter of the Light”, was born under special circumstances. She was raised by her aunts instead of her mother because she needed to be prepared to fulfill the prophecies of the…

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Tag Hash

Vampire Maman


“It is called Tag Hash. You add stuff as you go, as in tagging it on to the end,” explained the ancient Vampire Tellias. “I learned to cook in Rome, when I was a much younger Vampire than I am today. Tiberius was emperor at the time. God, that was a strange time. Fun if you were on the top of the food chain like I was. They thought I was a demigod. Oh, I had my share of torrid adventures. Nothing I’d recommend either one of you try, but it was fun.”

Tellias pulled out a large cast iron skillet then rooted around his kitchen for various knives and bits of food. Vampires don’t eat a lot of regular food but we do, from time to time. One can’t live on blood alone.

With his white blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, wearing a red apron over a…

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Conversations on art, love and little things…

Just a bit of family fun from Vampire Maman

Vampire Maman

Last night I had the surprise of having three of my four brothers over for a visit. It was one of those unexpected pleasures that I never seem to get enough of. We sat on the deck in the cool night air and talked all night, as siblings do. Mostly about little things – for it is the little things that make up most of our lives.

In the cool evenings I don’t want to talk of issues or strife or try to solve the problems of the World. My brain is full and my head will explode. I’m tired and just don’t want to put in the effort.

The working part of my brain has turned off all work and now are only concentrating on family and fun. Of course art. My brain is always working on art.

I think of art I will never create or I think…

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A Message of Light from Rara

Beautiful words

Stories that Must Not Die

I skyped with a dinosaur! How I’ve missed this icon on the blogosphere

The Space Between

There’s a cold science to the warm observance of art. Fancy galleries and museums all over the world apply careful calculations to the placement of viewing-benches and lights. It is a detailed symphony of diagonals and distance, measured to accompany the artistry and elevate the experience of beauty. At a certain angle, from a certain number of steps away, even your favorite masterpiece could look unappealing, or downright ugly, or worse–simply quiet. Can you even fathom the travesty of such a fate? To have something silenced by the space between when it could have spoken to you and shared its ageless secrets with the very insides of your soul? Such is the power of distance.

Anything can look gross from up close, but if you look even closer, most things become wondrous once again. It is an issue…

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Mysterious Friendships

Halloween will be here soon. Do you know where your werewolf friends are?

Vampire Maman

blue eyed adamWhen friends, or others, discover we are Vampires the reactions vary from shock to horror to fascination. But, that said, they rarely find out we’re Vampires.

I had to meet with my friend Adam, Werewolf and brilliant photographer. Until a year ago I didn’t know he was a Werewolf and he didn’t know I was a Vampire. We kept our secrets better than most, for sometimes we CAN tell when folks aren’t regular humans. When we found out each others secret it wasn’t pretty. We both were feeling a bit violent and betrayed and out of sorts.

He touched my neck where he’d tried to rip out my throat a year ago. A faint scar still lingered. “I’m surprised I didn’t kill you.”

I shrugged it off then stepped back out of his reach.

He continued to talk. “You must have taken 50 gallons of blood out of me over…

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Your Life of Truth & Lies

Vampire Maman

I can piece together parts of a life and figure out anything. There are no secrets. All is revealed.

Years of observation and thinking and knowing what is a lie and what is a truth and what is a half truth has made me see things for what they are.

Most people are horrible liars. Their stories change over the years. Photos and documents don’t add up. Confusion layered with bull crap. I can figure it out. What really happens in the real world. Truth is stranger than fiction, but even strange truth has some real truth to it.

The statement “He died at sea,” in reality means “he had another family in another country and went back to them. That is why he is gone. That is why they know nothing of me or our child. That is why I say I am a widow rather than an unwed mother.”

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Star-Sweet Light by Rarasaur

Stories that Must Not Die

Star-Sweet Light
By Rarasaur

There’s a light behind the curtain –
Like star-squeezed lemonade – –
I’ve tasted it, I’ve drank it down,
It’s part of how I’m made.

There’s a space behind the curtain,
Where some have never basked.
The heaviness blockading it
Keeps the magic darkly masked.

The light behind the curtain
Cracks all minds open wide –
Shadows and dobuts melt away –
There is no place to hide.

And in this quiet center –
In this kismet-tangled knot –
We harvest possibility…
What we could, and should and ought.

It’s refreshed by connectivity,
By compassion and insight,
And the more of those we squeeze from life,
The sweeter is the light.

Yes, there’s more behind this day…
And though I know it’s there…
Today’s curtain is dark and heavy –
Too sour to squeeze, or bear.

Still, I continue to chase the stars…
I won’t let…

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Short Story Sunday: Perfection

A fun little romantic bit…

Vampire Maman

v_coupleMaxwell drove down the coastal highway, roof open under the stars and the cool night air, thinking about his life as a top of the heap alpha male Vampire. It was a good time to ponder.

He didn’t have personal friendships with humans, the way some other Vampires did. He would protect them when necessary but he wouldn’t be their friend – at least not a close friend, not for a long time.

Of course he had human lovers, but that was pure physical need for their touch and their blood.

Vampire woman were another matter. He tended to be a freak magnet when it came to them. The normal ones were out there but they were always involved or off-limits in some way or another.  Or they were too strong and independent. Or in rare moments, years ago, he’d used bad judgement and not seen the big picture. Screw…

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