

Sloan was annoyed to find a car in her drive way. A perfect way to end a shitty day at work. Not only did she lose the front page to that little slutty suck-up Angala Foster, but now she couldn’t get her Bentley in the damn garage. She mumbled as she stormed in the door.

“Honey?” she surprisingly heard, and looked up the steps.

“I thought you wouldn’t be home till tomorrow?” she headed up the stairs feeling better with the thought of seeing her husband for the first time in a week. “Is that your rental in the drive way?”

A thud came from the bed room. Sloan rushed the rest of the way up the steps, and to the bed room door. A half naked woman, entangled in sheets was lying on the floor.

“This isn’t what it looks like,” he tried to argue, and walked over trying to…

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Girl in the The Woods: Allegory (Serial Novel, Part 16)

Girl in the Woods – A different take on the traditional fantasy/romance/fairy tale. Find out what happens when a Prince is expected to marry a Real Princess (who just happens to be addicted to drugs and other men.) Then add the president of an international technologies company who just happens to be a wizard with secrets of her own. Check it out from the beginning. This epic tale is a regular 2016 Friday Feature on Vampiremaman.com

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Vampire Maman

Girl in the Woodsis a serial novel, and a regular 2016 Friday feature here at Vampiremaman.com. This is the uncut and unedited version of a novel that has nothing to do with the rest of this blog. If you are new to Girl in the Woods please start from the beginning (Click here for all installments or see the side bar on the home page.) Like I said, it is a novel – an epic adventure of sorts. Have fun.

Part 16: Allegory

The Road to Allegory

A few hours after leaving Jake’s Alexander and his fellow travelers took the main road going west. They came to a small wayside inn. Around it were guards and soldiers.

A few men in odd clothing mingled around, they were members of the Allegory Redemption cult.

Tom went inside. Olivia could see him talking to some men inside. He came out…

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What is your favorite trait in a politician? Or a Vampire? Hey, they’re not the same.

Vote and vote often.

Vampire Maman

With all of the debates and crazy and totally insane political crap going on right now it is high time I do an official political poll. You may choose one or more answers and you may do the polls as many times as you want (to make sure it is fair and completely scientific.)


What is your favorite trait in a politician?

What is your favorite trait in a Vampire?

If everybody running for President of the United States VANISHED today, who do you think should run? Who would you replace them with?

What do you like to eat?

I added the last one in case I have a party or have your over to watch a movie anytime soon.

All of the answers will be scientifically tabulated and sent to all of the major news organizations. Thank you for your time.

Vote today and vote often.

~ Juliette aka…

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If the Titanic had safely landed on April 16, 1912

What if…

Vampire Maman

April 16, 2012 is the one year anniversary of the blog Vampire Maman. It also would have been the 101st anniversary of the docking of the Titanic in New York City, if the Titanic had docked.

I have in my possession a curious bit of history. This one is real. Not fiction. It gave me the chills to read this and copy it for this post.

In a scrap book is a press release that would have gone out if the Titanic had landed safely in New York.

Rather than throwing it out an executive employee of the White Star line put it in his scrap book. And that is where it still is. And here it is…copied exactly word for word from the White Star Line.


To be released for Publication after arrival of ship, April 16th.

The latest Ocean Marvel White Star’s “Titanic”

Largest Vessel…

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How to promote on “Writer’s Treasure Chest”

A great opportunity for bloggers and writers wanting to share and expand your audience (or just have fun.)

Writer's Treasure Chest

Not long ago “Writer’s Treasure Chest” celebrated its 1st anniversary. I am very proud to have this blog up and its success and progress are significant. I thank all followers and readers for making this such a pleasurable experience and great adventure for me.

There is, however, one thing that I’d like to extend: The chance for many other writers to use “Writer’s Treasure Chest” as a promotional platform.

Do you feel like trying how it is to publish blog posts? To have anything important to say? Would you like to show up on this blog?

Do you have a book to promote? Use “Writer’s Treasure Chest” and contact me for a Blog Tour, a “Featured Author Interview” or a “Guest Post”.

So many things are possible, and I’d like to give you a chance to introduce yourself and your work here!

“Writer’s Treasure Chest” does have a contact form…

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This Bitch is Pissed

This bitch is pissed and so am I. Please, everyone, share this.

Wine and Cheese (Doodles)

Never-Underestimate-The-Power-Of-A-WomanI keep waiting for the revolution. I keep waiting for American women to take off the rose-colored glasses and realize they are being screwed.

State by state, bill by bill, American women are being methodically and systematically fucked.

Make no mistake. Bills and legislature passed in the guise of ‘protecting’ women’s health (I’m looking at you Texas) and those which put an unnecessary burden on a woman’s right to have an abortion (Yeah, that’s you Indiana) have nothing to do with protecting women. They have nothing to do with believing in life at conception.

Every time a bill is passed restricting abortion even further, it DOES NOT help women. Every time a decision is handed down allowing a corporation or business to refuse to cover birth control, it DOES NOT help women.

Making abortion difficult to get is NOT GOING TO STOP women seeking abortions. Making a law which requires all miscarriages and…

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