Having Guests for Dinner? Thanksgiving Day Movies with a Bite!

Vampire Maman

Who are you having for dinner this Thanksgiving? That’s right WHO are YOU having for DINNER? Make your list and after the Macy’s Parade and Football and Turkey comes MOVIES!

Even Vampires like those feel good holiday movies! The traditional Thanksgiving movies around here have been Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (plenty of evil characters in that one so we can all cheer for Truly) and of course Sound of Music, My Fair Ladyand just about anything we can all sing along to and know by heart. I also love Local Hero, which is just about my favorite movie. Then there is that long list of favorite romantic comedies that we can watch over and over again. But sometimes it just gets old. I mean, we’ve seen these movies 1,000 times.

And it is THANKSGIVING. So since we’re having guests for dinner, why not watch movies about having guests…

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Me, My Muse, And Roleplay


Author’s Note: Diana at Mythos of the Mirror has a new prompt: Meet The Muse! The rules are simple. Post a conversation with your muse on your blog and then leave a link to your post in the comment section of Diana’s post here. There is no word limit. Just keep it family friendly and have fun!


Isellta walks over to the bartender and asks for a hot toddy. He pauses. “What exactly is a hot toddy?” 

The bartender guffaws and said—–

“What are you doing?” my muse asked me.

“I’m writing. Go away.”

He stepped over to my side and peered at my computer screen through his wire-rimmed glasses. “You’re on Discord.” He made it sound like I was on the fast boat to Hell.

“Yeah? So? I’m writing.”

The bartender guffaws and—–

He narrowed his eyes at me. “You’re roleplaying with your characters.”

“Still counts as…

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How I Met My Husband


The wild decade following high school I spent moving from job to job and hanging onto a relationship that was not healthy. When that relationship ended, I had a strong desire to establish security in my life through stable employment.

I took a job with a bank, worked hard, and met all new friends. I managed my life confident that I did not want to become enmeshed in another relationship that was controlling. For a few years, I worked, went clubbing, dated, and toyed with the idea of marriage and children.

I don’t know if the idea is so ingrained in the minds of females that we are supposed to be in relationships and care for the partner and offspring, or if it is really something that I wanted for myself. I guess that during all of this dating, I was actually looking for a life partner. Eventually I reached…

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Juliette’s Book Club: Exceptional Liars

Vampire Maman

Exceptional Liars
by Marla Todd

Excerpt from “To Elizabeth With Love.”

This book was written as a love letter to my wife Elizabeth Hobbs Atkinson. She was brutally tortured and killed by a man who had once been my friend. Her body was never found, but her legacy of love will still be here.

From the day Liz vanished I prayed for her return and for hope. The day she was pronounced legally dead I lost all hope and thought I too would die. Only my faith in God and the love Liz and I shared kept me from going off into a black abyss of hopelessness and grief.

My comfort comes from my faith and my knowledge  that Liz is in a better place.

~ Gregory Atkinson

“Son of a bitch.”  I put down my glass of wine and threw the book across the room.

I’m surprised the bastard hasn’t been struck…

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Fun Size

This little bitty squirrel is so over the top cute and precious. Everyone needs to see this squirrel.

Evil Squirrel's Nest

Is it a big acorn?

Or a small squirrel?

Of course, you should already know the answer to that question if you’ve been reading my past few Saturday Squirrel posts.  Yes, it’s more of Baby Squirrel!  Look at how big that acorn is compared to his tiny frame!  I’ve shown many photos before of squirrels with an acorn easily fitting in their mouth….. I’m not sure it’s gonna work for this tiny maw!

Doesn’t this restaurant have a kids menu?

I’m not ready for big squirrel noms yet…

This is more like it!

Good job finding the piece of corn, little guy!  Mommy won’t have to cut that one into pieces for you…

Munch, munch, munch!

Got a bib?

Gee, you sure are making a mess out of that meal.  Just like any other little rascal would, I guess.

I can get away with it cuz I’m so cute!


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