Sit and chat for a while – the importance of talking and listening to your teens

Childhood is a time to prepare out children to be adults – especially the teen years. I’ve always thought that THIS is the time you need to spend the most time with your kids. They are now, more than ever learning about the real world and issues they’ll have to face.

They’ll learn that life isn’t fair. They’ll learn that jerks grow up to be jerks. They’ll learn that there are brown- -nosers and teacher’s pets and people who are going to be less than nice. They’ll learn about game players and liars and all of the other people that might end up as their coworkers someday.
But they will also learn that they can make a difference through their actions and words. They’ll meet the best friends they’ll ever have – and still have those friend when they are 100 years old. They’ll be inspired by remarkable teachers (I’m thinking on one History teacher). They’ll be curious. They’ll discover new and wonderful music. They’ll laugh like they invented laughing. And they’ll know joy like no others.

So now it the time to talk to your kids. Now is the time to LISTEN.

For the rest of the article go to my sister blog:

Click here: A reminder to talk to our children, especially our teens. Sit and chat for a while.

New York Nights – A Unique Christmas Story

New York Nights.

A new Christmas Story from one of my favorite authors Dave Stone.

Clike on the link here to read it:


Night Street

Wine, Spirits and Best Intentions

When I started the West Coast Review blog back in February 2012 I had every intention of creating the “go to” place for wine and spirit reviews, food/cooking, buying local, shopping, travel…

After letting West Coast Review sit for months I’m back…at least back forwarding blogs from others, including my alter ego sister blog (

I hope to start doing more original postings in the future. I live and work in Northern California but my goal is to create posts that will entertain everyone, no matter where they are.

For today…a review of some Bourbons, Vodkas and a nice Port. Enjoy.

New Favorites From Teddy’s Bar.

~ MT

Working out loss, love and life with your teen.

A parenting blog with a Vampire twist from Vampire Maman.

Working out loss, love and life with your Vampire teen..