A Story A Day Challenge 2017: Trick or Treat

HA HA HA Happy Halloween

The BiaLog

Trick or Treat

Little Paulie held his bag open and Mrs. Johnson dropped a handful of candy into it.

“There you go, Paulie. Tell your folks I said hello.” Mrs. Johnson smiled down at him, emitting warmth through her wrinkles and stained teeth.

“Thank you, Mrs. Johnson, I will.” Paulie returned her smile through his mask and turned to head down the sidewalk.

As the door behind him closed, he noticed an adult in a zombie costume coming towards him. Paulie paused in wonderment at how easily the man seemed to portray his chosen character.

“Nice costume, mister. You really got it down.”

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Take-Your-Dragon-to-Work Day Eve: Dragon Tales & Holiday Gifting

You MUST take your Dragon to work this week!

MacKENZIE's Dragon's Nest

Image result for dragons in workplace

As we lean into the last weekend of October, some of you who are familiar with MotD may be saying, “But wait. Did I miss Take-Your-Dragon-to-Work Day?”

No you didn’t! This year, tomorrow, October 27, is TYDtWD. So tonight, give your Dragon a good scrub, burnish her scales, and remind her of proper workplace etiquette, for tomorrow she will be walking the halls of education, commerce, politics, you name it. It’s time for Dragons to represent in the work-a-day world.

But more on that tomorrow.

Today is still about telling Dragon tales. Or, more specifically, talking Dragon books.

The time for gifting is fast approaching and so I offer a few Draco-centric suggestions for the Dragon lover on your Yule/Channukah/Kwanzaa/et al. lists, beginning for a not-so-humblebrag of my own. As the Dragons keep reminding me, being a WAFDE VIP does have its privileges, so here goes.

The Dragon Keeper’s Handbook

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Fishy Phenomena: Unidentified Submarine Objects and Sea Serpents

You decide… Fun article with a bit of history and a bit of mystery!


“Although our intellect always longs for clarity and certainty, our nature often finds uncertainty fascinating” – Carl von Clausewitz

steamship They missed a good marketing opportunity…

Uncertainty is unpopular.  It’s why we invented cool stuff like probability and statistics.  I mean, if you’re going to be an expert in something, it sucks when your predictions turn out wrong, and it’s nice to have sufficiently complex mathematical concepts to conclusively demonstrate that nobody’s perfect.  Folks tend to stop donating to oracles that are consistently off target.  The oracles probably don’t care as they are high as a kite, but even a prophet has to make a profit, be it fiduciary or celestial.  When you are a noted intellectual giant in a field of inquiry, repeated failures to show your smarts tend to make all those college loans seem like a frivolous expense.

Now, if Socrates said nothing else, we’d probably still know…

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Domestic Violence -It’s More Than Hitting

A moving post to share – we all know someone in a situation who need help, needs to escape, needs to know they count and are of value, and loved unconditionally.

DiAnne’s Scribbles & More


October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. If you or someone you know are being abused please know there is help available to you. There are ways for you to be safely moved from thishostile environment. I witnessed this success first hand while workingas a volunteer in a shelter for abused women and children. I saw women and children who had been afraid and hopeless in the past be helped through their nightmare to go on and build successful lives. The link below is a place to start. If this is happening to you please reach out.

This will be the 5th year for rememberingthe abused by bringing attention to the never-ending problem of domestic violence via “Shelter Girl” a short poem I wrote in 2013.

Shelter Girl

Shelter Girl


The day she came

to the shelter

She was a sight

for sore eyes.

Children in tow

a half-packed bag,

Evidence of…

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