My $0.99 Cent Cyber-Weekend Special Is Going On Right Now!

Great fireside reading (or anywhere you happen to be)

Musings Of Two Creative Minds

All e-copies of my 5-star paranormal/mystery books will be available for just $0.99 cents

Whether you have a Kindle, a Nook, a smartphone, or even just a laptop or desktop, there will be a format available for you.

“The Bridge” Book 1 in the Para-Earth Series


Alex Hill buried his psychic talents for eighteen year. But with with scream of tires and twisting metal, all this changes.

When his girlfriend, Police Sergeant Veronica Ross , is nearly run down by two teens he becomes concerned. But upon learning that both the driver and passenger of the vehicle in question, had been dead for almost twelve hours before the incident, he knows what he must do…

“THE SHIP” Book 2 in the Para-Earth Series


Cassandra Elliott is a billionaire heiress, who has just come out of the closet. She’s also a powerful psychic…

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A Ray of Hope – A Thanksgiving Story

A short Thanksgiving Story

Vampire Maman

Thanksgiving is in Tahoe this year.  My husband Justin’s family has a large beach front cabin. It is a 5,000 square foot cabin and two other smaller A frames within walking distance. Yes, they’re insanely rich, at least to me. They’re also incredible loving and giving and have taken me into their family as one of their own.

My mom left when I was five, taking my twin baby brother and sister with her. Dad said she said she was bored with her life. Bored with my dad and bored with me. I only saw her once after that. She’d poisoned the minds of my siblings by telling them that my dad was abusive. Her new husband gladly went along and encouraged it. My brother is now a successful motivational speaker. My sister is a teacher. I don’t talk to them. They don’t want to talk to me, but they…

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Predators of the first order

Vampire Maman

I have four older brothers. Max, Andy, Aaron and Val. I’m the last of my parents brood. All will be here for Thanksgiving.

Last night Max and Val showed up. Max was exhausted from work. He is one of those Vampires who make sure the rest of us are safe. He belongs to what is the equivalent to Vampire special forces. He goes after the bad, the evil, the weird and other unsavory dangerous things. Yes, he is one of those dark brooding Vampires who look like the handsome sexy beast on the cover of a paranormal romance novel. Val just looks like a normal cute guy.

The night before Max and his partners had found a stash of almost 50 Vampire fangs along with a dozen hearts suspended in alcohol. A dozen vials of Vampire blood were in a large refrigerator. The vilest thing was the skin of…

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Uncle Val’s Advice on Women (for Vampires and everyone else)

A little bit of advice about romance… and other funny stuff.

Vampire Maman

Uncle Val’s Advice on Women (for Vampires but it works for everyone)


My brother Val is visiting for the weekend. My kids Garrett (age 16) and Clara (age 13) adore him.

That said, he decided Garrett needed some advice on women. Not that Garrett needs it – every girl in his high school has a crush on him. Sometime I think he has a crush on every girl as well. But he is level headed and smarter than most boys his age when it comes to girls. Yes, Garrett is a bit of romantic but that’s ok with me. I’d rather him be a smart romantic than a stupid player.

Val is a 156 year old Vampire who definitely does not still live in the 19th century. He is single and savvy. He is also sweet and exceptionally caring, especially about the elders and children of our family and…

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YES, Bring Your Fucking Jacket!

Another brilliant post from We Don’t Chew Glass – about teens.

This post gets a five out of five stars from West Coast Review.

We Don't Chew Glass

Ode to that most frustrating creature, the teenager who would rather freeze his bits off than wear a goddamn coat.

wear a fucking jacketTeenagers everywhere

Freezing off their derriers.

Wear a fucking coat

It’s wintertime you dolt.


They are impervious to the cold

Until they get so old

Hoodies are not jackets

I’ve tried every kind of racket.


They don’t even care

As long as they have good hair

They don’t give a shit

About being frost bit.


This mom is wearing layers

But her boys are being players

Put on a fucking coat!

You are not a fluffy mountain goat.


You are a boy who this mom loves

And she worries because you won’t wear gloves

So please for the love of God

Put a fucking jacket on.

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Dear Parent Who Isn’t There

Vampire Maman

Teens need their dads

Dear Parent Who Isn’t There,

This is to both mothers and fathers. You know who you are.

Some of you left your current spouse to marry someone who doesn’t like your kid by the first marriage. You have new kids who are more important. You don’t care if you blow off important events with your first kids. They’re older now anyway so you don’t care. You’re basically selfish and immature so you don’t care.

Some of you never married the mother/father of your child so that child doesn’t really matter to you. You didn’t ask to be a parent. It was an accident. Oh give me a break. You had sex, you made a child, grow up and deal with it.

Some of you are just shit heads who can’t take responsibility. Your “freedom” is more important than your own children. By “freedom” we all know that means a girlfriend/boyfriend…

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Great post – for both writers and readers. Hey, it is fantasy – so own it – no matter what anyone else thinks. Great post.


Like most fantasy fans, I’ve watched Patrick Rothfuss’ response to academic, or literary, snobbery. It highlighted something that we readers have faced at one time or another: literary fiction snobs, who view the “fantasy” genre as “popcorn” fiction fit only for mob consumption. And I would not presume to add to what Mr. Rothfuss said, since he outlined the response to that way of thinking far more eloquently than I ever could, but I would like to touch upon something that seems to have grown up during my decade long hiatus from reading fantasy from the early 2000s to 2012. Something I like to call Fantasy Snobbery.

What do I mean by Fantasy Snobbery, you ask?

Quite simply it is a feeling by current fantasy reader that fantasy before Joe Abercrombie, Brandon Sanderson, Patrick Rothfuss, et cetera are Tolkien clones with no merit because they invariably are set in medieval-type…

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Comets, Giant Space Cats and Vampires in Space

Vampire Maman

I’ve posted a lot of amazing and astounding photos of space on my blog so get ready for more… brace yourself…

Scientists were surprised when Rosetta found parking was scarce on the Comet 67p. BUT the one who was really surprised was GIANT SPACE CAT.

comet on cat comet_comet_67P_20140803_1

As so-called creatures of the night Vampires have always loved comets.

A few years back I’d go out in front of my house every single night and watch Hale Bopp. Unfortunately a nut job cult hijacked the even… a lot of weird sick things like that were happening around that time. But anyway it was beautiful and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of it.

Over the centuries some cultures have feared comets but there isn’t anything to fear (aside from giant space cats.)

Mark Twain was born and died in years of Halley’s Comet. So did Nigel the ghost. I didn’t even see it in 1986…

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Want a wild ride into a world filled with zombies and the unexpected. Follow City of Zombies (you’ll thank me for it later.)

Monster Hunters - Hunters blog

The map was crudely drawn out.  A large thread weaved is way through the center taped with clear tape in several location.  A red circle marked 16 houses through out the small city center.  A blue circle marked the smaller stations usually an older restaurant.  Along the outside of the map was the wall.  This was marked in green and the line was sloppy.  Every few feet there was a red line that indicated the guns.

“What is that?” Erik asked after he noticed a lone black circle.  “That’s are idea where the vampire may be.”  “So you think they are located near Main and First?”

“Possibly,” said Michael.  “They are likely underground.”

Someone screamed from the other room and the entire house disappeared into the other room.  Stacy was fighting several zombies.  They had managed to loosen the plywood protecting the window in front of her.  Immediately, three men…

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Rara Update

Rara Update…

The Matticus Kingdom

She has moved, again, though not very far this time… and she will probably be moving again shortly.  But, she could use some RawrLove sent her way.  So, if you can, please send off a letter (or two) in the next couple days:

Radhika Jaini, WF0124
CCWF 513-8A-1up
PO Box 1508
Chowchilla, CA  93610-1508

Let her know she is still loved.  Let her know that broken hearts can be mended.  Let her know about all the positive energy and thoughts we are constantly sending her direction.

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What is your Vampire (or Werewolf) Style?

Be cool and do the poll.

Vampire Maman


Vampires are known for it.

Others are not.


That said, we all have our own personal style. Mine has changed drastically over the years. I’ve gone from frills and lace, to Indian gauze and flowing skirts, to shoulder pads and brights colors, to little black dresses and pearls… but mostly I’ve been on a classic tailored track with a few great creative or unexpected accessories.

There a lot of styles I wish I could pull off but I’m not super tall and my lifestyle is pretty casual AND I’m a mess.

Lon Chaney looking hot in a suit! Sweetheart stay out from under that full moon! Lon Chaney looking hot in a suit! Sweetheart stay out from under that full moon!

Anyway, yes, Vampires tend to dress well. The Werewolves I know dress well (for the most part) except those who live in the woods and look like something out of a bad reality show.

Holy crap get those guys off of my lawn and hide the possums! Holy crap get those guys off of my lawn…

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